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  1. Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans

    有补贴贷款和无补贴贷款是为符合条件的学生提供的联邦学生贷款,以帮助支付四年制学院或大学的高等教育费用, community college, or trade, career, or technical school. The U.S. 教育部为参与学校的学生提供直接资助贷款和直接非资助贷款.

    直接资助贷款是为有经济需要的学生提供的. 学生在校期间不少于一半时间(最少6小时)不收取利息。. 在学生离校后6个月开始还款,或者还款时间少于一半.

    Direct Unsubsidized Loans are available to undergraduate and graduate students; there is no requirement to demonstrate financial need. 无补贴贷款的利息从第一次支付开始累积. You can, but are not required to, 在上学期间或宽限期内支付利息, deferments, or forbearance. 另一种选择是让利息累积并资本化(即, added to the principal amount of your loan). If you choose not to pay the interest as it accrues, 这将增加你必须偿还的总金额,因为你将被收取更高的本金利息.

    在2023年7月1日或之后以及2024年7月1日之前发放的本科生直接资助贷款和无资助贷款的利率为5%.50%. These loans also have a loan fee of 1.057%. This fee is deducted from each loan disbursement.


  2. Direct Parent PLUS Loan

    家长借款人必须是学生的亲生父母或养父母. (In some cases, the student's stepparent may be eligible.)学生必须是 依赖 学生(根据FAFSA). 直接家长PLUS贷款是基于由教育部完成的信用检查. Credit checks are valid for 180 days. 在2023年7月1日或之后以及2024年7月1日之前发放的直系父母PLUS贷款的利率为8.05%. 在2023年10月1日或之后以及2024年10月1日之前发放的直系家长PLUS贷款的费用为4英镑.228%. This fee is deducted from each loan disbursement.

    To apply for a Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan
    Apply online at The parent will log in using their FSA ID. 如果父母没有FSA ID,他们将申请一个 After the parent is logged into, they will click “Apply for a PLUS Loan”.


  3. Private Education Loans

    私人(替代)教育贷款计划可用于帮助学生在考虑其他经济援助后支付剩余的到期余额. 这些非联邦贷款是对已经包含在学生经济援助奖中的联邦学生贷款的补充.

    利率将因每个贷方而异,并从第一次支付之日起计算. If this loan is in the student's name一般来说,学生需要一个信誉良好的共同签署人来批准贷款. 一般来说,还款在学生毕业后开始,或者少于6个学时. Search or Apply for a Private Loan.

  4. Nurse Education Assistance Loan Program (OHIO)

    护士教育援助贷款计划的目的是为参加经批准的俄亥俄州执照前护士教育计划的至少一半时间学习(或接受入学)的俄亥俄州学生提供经济援助,这些学生打算在毕业后担任护士. 最近一学年的年度奖励为1620美元/年. In exchange, to qualify for loan cancellation, 受助人必须在毕业后至少5年在俄亥俄州全职担任注册护士或执业护士.

    Please visit the Ohio Department of Education website for directions on how to apply.

  5. Canton Student Loan Foundation

    Students can receive $16,000美元的本科学费和额外的8美元,000 if they continue on to graduate school. Eligible students must:

    • Graduate from a Stark County high school; be a Stark County resident who was eligible to graduate from a Stark County high school but has graduated from a high school elsewhere; or have earned a diploma from the ABC (A Better Chance) program.
    • 在高中毕业后每学期至少注册12个学分, undergraduate degree-granting program. 这包括副学士学位,技术学校和贸易学校课程.
    • 拥有并保持最低学期和累计平均绩点2分.0.

    Please visit for directions on how to apply!